S01E04 – The Last Resort
Episode Summary
- Janey decides to warn Ben that Susans 40th birthday is once again upon them. Ben rushes in to tell her he hasn’t forgotten and Susan tells him its not for three days yet. Janey decided he needed time to organise something, and why not take her for a weekend away just the two of them. After much discussions, it is decided that Susan would like to go the small bed and breakfast they went to twenty years ago before they were married, so much to Bens horror it is agreed.. Susan tells the children all the numbers in case of emergencies, although no one listens and they are off leaving Nick in charge of the troops. Later that night Ben and Susan arrive after a long, ‘lost ‘journey they manage to get in to room 7 where they stayed before, they see a young lovey dovey couple, Ben asks if there is any chance of something to eat but is informed that the chef has gone home and locked the kitchen. They are given a mint imperial. Meanwhile back at home, Nick tells Janey she must put on something more respectable before she goes on her date. Then realises that if he goes out to the pub there is no one to look after Michael. Michael asks for £10.00 per hour and agrees to stay on his own. Back in the hotel, the room is tiny and Ben can think of nothing but food.They hear a couple in the next room in bed, and Susan finds a bar of chocolate which cheers them up enormously. Nick waits up for Janey when she comes back from her date and tells her she is too late home. Janey asks for his advice on why her date, Liam, wanted to play table football with the lads and gets the immature gits perspective as a reply as one would expect. It is still raining at the hotel, Susan asks if she could switch rooms back to the original one, as the couple next door are rather loud. But its full. They look at all sorts of brochures telling them of local attractions including a dolphinarium with no dolphin, but still with a tank! In the dining room they meet Joan and Peter Pickering who tell them, much to Ben and Susans suprise, they are the couple next door. Not the young lovebirds. Back in the room Susan and Ben decide to go to bed until Susan starts thinking about turning 40 again, and imagines what her life may have been like if she’d taken a different turn. The couple start up again and they are both very depressed. Later that day, Ben is seen trying to do a jigsaw puzzle, when he is informed by Bernard, the hotel owner, that half the pieces are missing. Joan and Peter join him and Ben talks of mid life crisis, and Peter buys him a drink. Susan who is on the phone to an upset Nick, who is taking his new found parental responsibilities hard, has a knock on the door and it is Chloe, come to borrow some make up remover and obviously have a chat with an older and wiser woman. Chloe tells Susan that the Pickerings are swingers. Susan goes down to tell Ben but he has had a few by now and doesn’t want to listen to her. The four decide to go out together, Susan decides its time to go upstairs, when Ben feels what he thinks is Susans foot in his lap. He says he is tired too, but when Susan leaves he is left with Joans foot in his lap. Back in the bedroom he accuses Susan of not telling him and she retorts that he wouldn’t listen. There is a knock on the door and they are afraid its the Pickerings, it is only Bernard with the guest book Susan wanted to see. We see Ben and Susan pretending to have a good time, while the Pickerings are listening thru the wall and obviously fed up. Ben and Susan return home to the house immaculate, the children all dressed in their Sunday Best. The children, when asked, end up fighting and shouting at each other, Ben and Susan pick up their cases and decide to leave again, possible to Spain this time.
BernardDuncan PrestonCharacter
JoanRowena CooperPeterJohn ArthurChloeEmma PikeStuartNeil ConrichTeam
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