S01E07 – The Awkward Phase
Episode Summary
- Its time for a clear out, Susan giving everyone's clothes to Oxfam, mainly Bens much to his horror. Brigitte is aligning the Surgery with Mother Nature, by playing Whalesong,Narwahl again much to Bens horror. Susan and Ben discuss the fact that Susan managed to drive the car with the brake pedal in the back seat after Nick had tinkered with the car. Nick tells Michael how to put his arm around and kiss a girl in the cinema with the use of a cushion. Michael wonders what to do if the girl doesn’t say stop. Nick has fixed Bens chair when he wasn’t meant to touch anything of Bens ever again and Nick has been growing a moustache for a week that no one can see. Janey offers Susan help, so she wants something. It turns out she wants Prada Jeans from the sale. Susan decides the money should go towards college, Janey storms past Ben. Susan tells him that a patient rang, she’s lost the sixth pair of dentures. Ben ponders on why he ever became a dentist. He becomes irate when he discovers Nick has fixed his squeak in his chair, as he liked it. Michael decides he wants to go to bed instead of eating Hawaiian Medley Surprise and Janey lets it slip that he’s going out with a girl from his class much to Michaels horror. Susan thinks Ben doesn’t like the children, Ben says they frighten him. If he’d known, he’d never have had sex! Janey apologises to Michael, and tries to help him know how to behave on his date. Nick discovers Janey has spent £98.00 on a pair of jeans. Susan is off to pottery class and Janey confesses she has bought the jeans. Susan sits in Bens chair and Ben manages to drop the urn. Susan is in a mood as Ben tries to eat his breakfast. She says that they have been giving the children crossed signals. She also tells Ben that she is worried about Michael going out with a girl as girls age faster than boys. She thinks that Ben should talk to him. Ben talks to Michael in a very round about way about the facts of life. Michael is somewhat confused, and Ben says not to be in too much of a hurry to grow up. Nick goes for an interview in the Twin Exhaust office. Susan is still upset with Janey about the jeans and Janey explains they don’t give refunds. Susan wants Janey to feel really guilty. Susan and Ben are trying to stick the pot back together. And Michael comes down ready to go out to the cinema. Janey and Nick are amazed that they are letting him go out on his own, Janey grumbles that they accompanied her and offered popcorn. We see Michael and his girlfriend in the cinema with Susan and Ben offering popcorn from behind. Brigitte appears on the porch at 6.30 am, having lost her keys. Ben suggests she looks in her handbag and surprisingly there they are. Brigitte says, with friends like you who needs animals?
BrigitteDaisy DonovanCharacter
BossJeff ShankleyMichelleRosie WigginsTeam
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