S09E09 – The Guru
Episode Summary
- Roger interrupts in the surgery with exciting news about successful and wealthy celebrity dentist Jeremy Livingston’s new book which is dedicated to Ben, who can’t remember who the man is. Meanwhile, Susan divulges that whilst on her European art quest she has had a romantic encounter at an Albanian airport with an American doctor who tackled a thief on her behalf. Ben sifts through an old shoebox of memorabilia to try and jog his memory as to who Jeremy Livingston is, and finally remembers him as an old dentistry college mate whom he used to copy from. Hotfoot from Jeremy’s book-signing, Roger brings him to meet Ben, who is invited out to dinner during which Jeremy toasts Ben before revealing that he is actually jealous of him and would like to as anonymous and unsuccessful as Ben. Back in Albania, whilst still waiting for her flight, the American doctor looks at Susan affectionately and asks her to join him in his global adventures – they lock eyes but the moment is broken by Olga announcing a further delay to their flight. Finally the plane is ready for boarding…. but it is over-booked and the doctor grabs the last ticket from Olga and disappears. Disillusioned, Susan tears up her diary. Meanwhile, Ben celebrates the fact that despite his fame Jeremy isn’t as happy as him – Roger brings news that Jeremy is threatening to jump from the surgery roof and Ben is dragged away to talk him down. On the rooftop, Ben confesses he may have overstated how contented his life is and a disillusioned Jeremy grapples with Ben before slipping and falling.
Alfie ButtsRhodri MeilirJeremyDavid HaigCharacter
The DoctorJohn BarrowmanOlgaCarol MacreadyJeremy - DoubleMartin StentonTeam
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