S09E10 – Kenzo’s Project
Episode Summary
Episode Summary
Kenzo has a school project about his family - Susan tells Kenzo he can ask any questions he likes, but quietly warns the family that there are some things that must never be divulged! Firstly, Kenzo asks what it was like growing up in the house. Janey tells Kenzo how everyone got on and looked out for each other. Michael thinks he should answer the question. Next, Kenzo asks Ben about his job. Then Alfie sings a song for Kenzo about all the members of the family, but Kenzo is less than impressed! Kenzo asks Roger what his favourite part of being in the Harper family is – Roger tells tales about Ben. Susan impresses upon Kenzo that communication is the most important thing in a family, whereas Ben thinks the most important thing is trust and points out that they do have their fun times too. A few days later, Kenzo announces that he has received an “A” for his project, but now his school want him to see a psychologist!
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