S07E04 – Dutch Art and Dutch Courage
Episode Summary
- Ben and Susan are teaching Michael to drive. He has trouble going round a roundabout and finally gets out and walks. (Titles) Susan is cooking one of her fantastic meals because she is going away on an art buying trip with her boss. When she leaves the kitchen to pack Ben throws it in the bin and a Chinese delivery man brings the take-away. Janey has a stiff neck and Alfie offers to massage it. Michael returns having failed his driving test. Susan suggests Ben drive Michael up to his university interview to cheer him up and give them a chance to bond! Ben is persuaded but when Susan’s attractive Boss James arrives to pick her up he has second thoughts. Back at home Alfie massages Janey, and it would appear he does have healing hands. Whilst travelling up to the interview, Ben quizzes Michael about James. He is obviously jealous. Ben suggests they stop for a pint to give Michael Dutch courage. Susan and James check in but there is only one double room left for them. By the time they have checked in, the receptionist is convinced Susan is a prostitute. Janey is so relaxed from the massage and she enjoyed it so much, she suggests Alfie tries his skills on Abi. Michael is by now drunk after nearly a pint, and Ben thinks it is time they went to the interview. Ben has been trying to call Susan on her mobile but she is not picking up. Susan and James return to their room with a masterpiece, Susan realises her phone is now dead, but decides to charge it later. James reserves for dinner. Ben is still trying to contact Susan, while he waits for Michael. When Michael comes out of his interview, he has thrown up all over the interviewer. Roger finds Alfie massaging Abi. Ben and Michael are now driving but still can not get through to Susan so Ben, finally remembering which hotel she is in, decides to visit. He rings the room and James answers. Ben hangs up! Roger decides to prove he is as good at massaging as Alfie and decides to massage Abi. She is not impressed. Ben arrives at the hotel the receptionist will not tell him where Susan is. He tries bribery and is finally thrown out. Roger would like to learn how to massage like Alfie, Alfie massages Roger to un-stress him. Ben is now up on a window ledge, and Michael is meant to be standing at the bottom of the ladder but he has returned to chat up a girl in the hotel. Ben peers through and sees Susan and James. Back in the house they are all fighting over who Alfie massages next. Ben sees Susan undressing under the sheet and thinks she is in bed with James, he falls in through the window, starts a fight and the hotel receptionist and the security man come up and try to stop them. Michael comes in with his new friend and finds them. Ben and Susan are asked to leave. Michael drives them home, he tells them both off. Susan accuses Ben of being jealous!
Alfie ButtsRhodri MeilirJamesRobert BathurstDesk ClerkAndy TaylorBartenderStephen BentBellmanPhillip SimonMr FlemingBrian ShelleyCharacter
GirlfriendCush JumboSecurity GuardAndy MerchantStunt Co-ordinatorAndy BennettTeam
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