S03E01 – Absent Vixen, Cheeky Monkey
Episode Summary
- Susan is in the cupboard under the stairs and asks Ben if he knows where the Mr Muscle is. He pushes her into the cupboard and shuts the door. They come out dishevelled! Opening Titles: Janey is packing to go away to University. Ben is thrilled. Janey has now gone. Ben would like to have her room as a hobbies room, maybe a dark room. Susan thinks it should be kept sacrosanct. Then she changes her mind, and they race to get to Janey’s room first. When they arrive, Nick is ensconced with a huge skalextric already set up. They order him out. Susan rings Janey constantly, finally she gets her professor who hangs up on her. Michael keeps quoting from the Art of War book. Susan tells Ben he can have Janey’s room after all. Ben is ecstatic. He even tells Janey down the phone he has her room. We see Ben ruthlessly clearing out Janey's room. Nick tells Ben he has a job in a supermarket up the road. Ben goes to the other supermarket, and there is Nick sitting at the till! Nick is in trouble with the manager, because he has sent the checkout girl to lunch, so he can do the till. The manager tells him his job is to price the stock. Ben is in Janey's room quietly reading the paper. Susan thinks it’s a façade to cover up the hurt he is feeling about Janey leaving. He tells Susan he has phoned Janey and told her he misses her. Nick and Michael have taken over Ben and Susan’s bed room, and are sitting in the bed. They are ordered out, spilling a soggy sandwich in the bed on the way. The next morning, we see Nick pricing vegetables to practice his skills. He prices Michael on the head, and Ben has price stickers all over the back of his t shirt. Ben goes up to Janey’s room and finds it full of cans of tuna. Nick got a bit behind with the pricing and brought some home with him. Ben is worried that it is stealing. Nick thought he would take them back 2 at a time. Ben says Nick must return them and he will not do it for him. Ben with an old pram and case on wheels goes into the supermarket to put the tuna back. Nick draws attention to him, and he ends up being arrested for shop lifting. The family eat dinner, Janey has come back to dump her boyfriend. Ben is fed up, they are eating tuna, and will be for months and it cost him £1694.00. Nick and Michael are helping Susan decide what she needs for her room Ben finds out that Susan told him he could have Janey’s room so that he would clear it out. It is actually for her to practice her cello in.
ShopperPhil NiceCharacter
ManagerGary SeftonRhonda, Checkout GirlAlyson CooteTeam
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