S06E02 – Bliss for Idiots
Episode Summary
- Susan has found her bliss spot, in a book by her favourite author. It’s a book on lifestyles. Dr Buck, the American author is coming over to talk to Susan’s book club and staying at the Harper’s. Michael is off to a museum with the school, and Ben’s application has been turned down by yet another expensive Golf Club. Alfie has discovered the effects of caffeine. Ben fits a wealthy business man, Hoxton-Jones, in for an appointment, and tells him he is finding life a struggle. Hoxton-Jones tells him how to improve his lot. He suggests Ben join his society, the Brotherhood of the Cockerel. He explains how to progress from a Chick to the Big Cock. Roger and Abi flirt, and Roger starts to woo her speaking Welsh, it seems to be working. The author’s arrival is imminent as Ben returns with a Brotherhood box of necessary items for his initiation. Buck arrives and Susan is besotted. Dr Buck analyses Ben and his Brotherhood, and flirts with Susan. Ben thinks Dr Buck is a charlatan, Susan is still besotted. Ben tells her he has heard Dr Buck shouting about his divorce. It would appear he is not so nice after all. Michael brings his attractive but older lecturer home from the school trip and impresses her with his archaeological collection. Alfie helps Ben to practice for the initiation by teaching him to walk and squawk like a cockerel. We see subtitles as Roger continues to woo Abi in Welsh. Susan and Buck leave for the book club. Michael’s lecturer finds out he has been planting his artifacts from his school display case in the back garden and she stalks out. We see the last part of the initiation ceremony, Hatchling Harper swears the oath of allegiance. Ben is admitted to the fraternity, the members strip off and it turns into a gay disco party. Susan’s dreams are shattered when Dr Buck makes a pass at her. Ben arrives and decides to assert his masculinity. Ben manages to throw himself out of the bedroom window.
Paul ShearerMr Hoxton-JonesCharacter
Colin StintonDr. Buck BukowskiOlivia HallihanHollyRufus JonesDelegate at Phone BoothTeam
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