S01E06 – Death Takes a Policy
Episode Summary
- Ben at work in his surgery discusses death with Father Connelly. Ben tries to explain treatment options to Mrs Dudley but she insists she wants the cheapest. Brigitte enters to say Ben’s son is on the phone asking for £50 to unclamp the car. He describes Nick as a layabout. Meanwhile Nick is being interviewed for a job but his only qualification appears to be "unflappable calm under pressure". Susan arrives at the surgery as Mrs Dudley marches out complaining about Ben’s attitude. Susan tells Ben that one of her tour guides has lost a Chinese businessmen in Madame Tussauds. When Mrs Dudley returns to give Ben a second chance he quickly follows Susan out of the surgery. That evening at dinner Janey asks if she can have a water bra. Nick arrives saying he tried to get a job but he let Emily have it. He asks if Emily can come round to sell them a life insurance policy. Susan reveals she already has a small one as she had forged Ben’s signature. Susan receives a phone call telling her that Mr Chen has been found dead. Later in Bed, Susan is worried about how Mr Chen’s death will affect the children. Janey is in her bedroom trying on the water bra (which she has already bought) when it bursts. Susan enters to tell Janey about Mr Chen but she is unconcerned. Back in bed Susan is frustrated at the younger generation’s ability to act so ‘cool’ about everything. The next day Ben is back at work when Nick arrives. Nick persuades Ben to agree to Emily coming round tonight by saying if all goes well with Emily, she might want him to live with her. Ie. It might lead to Nick leaving home! That evening Emily continues her sales pitch even after Ben has written the cheque - she is so depressing about the possibility of Ben’s death that Susan quickly shows her to the door. Later that night Ben comes down to the Kitchen to find Michael worrying. Ben does his best to explain about death and to reassure Michael that he has no intention of dying. He goes back up to bed to find Susan saying she’s feeling old. They are just starting to cuddle when Nick barges in to announce that Emily has dumped him. They are not particularly sympathetic and tell Nick to leave. Ben reveals he has kept Emily’s cheque for the insurance. They put out the lights but Ben injures his back and can’t move - Susan indicates that is not a problem!
BrigitteDaisy DonovanCharacter
Mr. QuinceRuper VansittartMrs. DudleyAnna KeaveneyEmilyAmy PhillipsVicarGary LilburnPatientPhillip ManikumTeam
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