S02E12 – Ben Wants A Millionaire
Episode Summary
- Ben has a bossy new over efficient assistant, Laura. Mr. Henshaw comes in. An extremely nervous patient. Ben's old school friend arrives unannounced and invited Ben and Susan to dinner with his wife who is about to have surgery. Andy has just sold a string of companies and is investing in the stock market. Much to Ben's horror they go out to dinner. Susan meanwhile makes Borsht for the children's dinner. Susan is in the middle of learning Russian for a Russian tour group who are to arrive shortly. Janey wants Prada shoes. Nick comes into the hall, hears the tape and thinks they have a ghost. Ben is desperate not to go to dinner with Andy and Ambyr (his very young wife) Banks as he didn't like him at school. Ambyr is having a mole removed from her bottom. She has silicone implants which Ben is invited to touch and he does. Meanwhile the children throw away just enough borsht to make Susan think they have eaten it. When they return Susan is upset that Ben touched Ambyrs breasts. Nick has decided to start a new business selling his body parts. Ben is upset that Andy is so successful and obviously happy. Susan puts the Russian tape on to learn as they go to sleep. Ben gets up and goes to call Andy for a share tip. Ben has a tip and they decide to gamble some of Nick's college fund. Susan finds Michael investing in the Cayman's. Mr. Henshaw returns with a cracked filling but Ben is too intent on his share dealings. The shares start to rocket. Susan starts to think about new houses and villas in Tuscany. Janey still just wants Prada shoes. Andy and Ambyr come to say goodbye and don't tell Ben whether to sell or not. Susan advises Ben to sell but he takes no notice. Once the stock starts to fall, he asks Michael. Nick has decided to become a sperm donor as Ebay won't sell body parts. Michael has Prada shoes much to Janey's horror. Ben returns home and has lost all but £200. When he says at least we have the other college funds, Susan tells him she invested on a tip and lost that too. We end with Michael reading the financial section telling his father Dynoblast has rocketed. Nick is in the bathroom working.
Andy BanksDaniel HillCharacter
Ambyr BanksKim RossMr. HenshawMichael TroughtonDental AssistantElizabeth MarmurSchool SecretaryDebbie NormanWaiterMatthew BoseTeam
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