S09 – It’s a Gift (Christmas Special)
Episode Summary
- Susan looks for her Christmas present under the tree - she and Ben play a game until a wrapped vacuum cleaner is retrieved from the cupboard – she is not amused and storms off. Ben’s attempt at pacifying Susan by taking her breakfast in bed doesn’t work – he has to get her something special and she describes a necklace she has seen. Ben duly presents Susan with the gift, but a couple of days later he notices a jewellery sale advert in the local newspaper. He successfully obtains a full refund on the necklace, but the shop assistant refuses to sell it back at the sale price because it can’t be processed that quickly. Ben asks to see the General Manager - who is in the Grotto standing in for a drunken Santa! Ben wheedles his way to the front of the queue in the Grotto to confront the General Manager, but becomes belligerent and is ejected by Security. A fracas ensues, but Ben is not scared… until Susan appears. She promises to take Ben off the premises…but instead leads him to the Ladies Fashions’ floor determined to go on a spending spree at his expense. However, she gets the zip stuck on a new dress and when Ben goes into the cubicle to help her they get distracted and do not realise the store is closing. On hearing the Security Guard approaching they decide to hide and eventually realise they will be locked in all night. Ben notices a competition poster and decides the prize of a holiday to Mauritius would be a good alternative present for Susan. He decides to cheat and purposely spills the ping-pong balls in the competition drum and starts counting them. Ben and Susan awake the next morning to find themselves in bed in the window display and on returning home explain that it was only the amount of money they had spent in the store that allowed them to escape any retribution from the store. After Christmas, a letter arrives announcing the competition winner – Susan!
Alfie ButtsRhodri MeilirMr WalkerJulian ClaryMr CarstairsJames SmithBig Tattooed ManTerry BirdStunt Co-ordinatorAndy BennettTeam
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